Incredible story of a father who teams up with his son’s killer to save lives
Gregory Gibson corresponded for two decades with the man who killed his son. In the course of this correspondence the killer told him repeatedly that, when he was so deranged he thought he needed to kill people, it was still a simple matter for him to get a gun. Gibson realized what a powerful message this would be and, after five years of preparation, he has produced a gut-wrenching five-minute video of the killer talking about his crime.
Gone Boy

-Gavin deBecker, author of The Gift of Fear and Protecting the Gift: Keeping Childen and Teenagers Safe (and Parents Sane)
Gregory Gibson’s eighteen-year-old son was dead, shot in the doorway of his college library. The murderer was in jail for life, but for Gibson the tragedy was still unfolding. The morning of the shooting, he learned, college officials had intercepted a shipment of ammunition addressed to the murderer, only to pass it along, unopened. They had received an anonymous warning about the murderer and the gun, but they did not call the police.After years of increasing frustration, Gibson woke one morning to a mesmerizing vision of his own rage and helplessness. He was so distraught over the murder of his son that he now felt ready to get a gun and murder someone. Recognizing the absurdity of this proposition may have saved his life. He resolved to discover and document exactly who was to blame for his son’s death, and why. He decided to go on a walkabout.
Gone Boy is a murderous and cunning inquiry into guns, violence, and manhood in America. It is the truthful story of a father and son traveling the crooked path of the sometimes harrowing but largely hopeful journey into becoming men. Brilliantly conceived, expertly crafted, Gone Boy is a masterpiece of suspense and heart. It is a classic for our time.
Purchase Gone Boy from:
The Galen Gibson Fund

The Galen Gibson Fund is a state and federally registered non-profit organization. It is privately endowed and continues to be supported by private and public donations.Since its establishment in 1998 the fund has contributed to local educational initiatives, to community and faith-based groups that work with victims of gun violence, and to organizations that promote commonsense gun laws.
Donations in any amount are welcome and are tax-deductible.
Checks can be made to the
Galen Gibson Scholarship Trust
77Langsford St.
Gloucester, MA 01930.